Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Training Day 17

80% Effort

1000m Row

Rest 3 min

7 min AMRAP
10 KB Swings (70)
10 Push Press (95)
10 Box Jumps (30" Step Down)
10 HR Push Ups
(3, 3)

Rest 3 minutes and Repeat

I was very sluggish. I ate 5 pancakes the night before at IHop. I regretted it.

Training Day 16

A. DB Russian Step Ups- 3x15/leg; rest 45 sec b/w legs

B1. Double KB Front Rack Lunge 5x8/leg alternating @ 20X1; Rest 1 min

B2. HSPU- 5x4-6 @ 30X3; Rest 2 min

C. Dead Bugs- 3x10/side @ 1511; Rest 1 min b/w sides

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Training Day 15

A.m. Run 400m @80%; rest 1 min x8
(First one was :58--too fast, then 1:05, then 1:08 the rest)

P.m. 10min work/ 5min rest @70%

60 sec Air Dyne
10 OHS (75)
10 Box Jumps (24--step down)

250m Row

Didn't do the other two. My wrists are hurting pretty bad these days.

Training day 14

A. Snatch Balance- build to a heavy set of 3
(135--hit 155 for the first time)

B1. Snatch grip DL w/ straps @50X1 3x5: rest 1 min

B2. Powell Raise @30X1 5x8; rest 2 min

C. 10 min EMOM TnG Hang Clean

D. Back Extensions @4220 3x10-15; rest 2 min
(20# vest)

E. Paloff Press in Lunge @2020 3x10/side

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Training Day 13

A. Double KB Front Squat 5x5 @52X1; Rest 2 min

B1. Single Arm RDL 5x8-10 @30X1; Rest 30 sec

B2. KB Bench Press 5x6-8 @30X1; Rest 2 min

10 min EMOM
3 Position Snatch (high hang/mid thigh/floor)
(95#--percentage was supposed to be 115#, but I was exhausted)

Rest 3 min

10 min EMOM
Power Clean + Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
(135#--supposed to use 150-175)

I took my APFT that morning. I did 71 pushups in about 1:25 and got up because that got me 100%. 78 sit-ups in 2 minutes. 2 mile in 13:22. I ran most of it at a 12:30 pace, but my back locked up.

I figured I would let you know where these numbers are for me as well since these things overlap in my life.

Training Day 12

80% Day
Air Dyne 3 minutes

Rest 3 minutes

7 min AMRAP
10 DB Snatch (55#)
10 Box Jumps (24)
10 Pull Ups
10 Pistols
30 Box Jumps
(3+30) (3+4)

Rest 3 minutes


Monday, April 21, 2014

Training Day 11

A. Front Rack RFE Split Squat @22X1 4x10/leg; Rest 60 sec b/w legs; 2 min b/w sets

B1. Double KB Front Rack Lunge @20X1 5x8; Rest 60 sec

B2. HSPU's @30X3 5x5-7; Rest 2 min
(Couldn't do strict; used the 45's with kipping)

C. Dead Bugs @1511 3x10/side; Rest 60 sec b/w sides
(Felt pretty easy)

Today I hurt, but because I pushed through, I now know that I will be okay in the future. I'm ready to push through the pain and make some progress now.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Training Day 10

70% effort 10min work/5 min rest

75 DU
3 MU
20 fast walking lunges

Row 250
10 burpees over erg

60 sec Air Dyne
10 Wallballs (30#)
10 TTB

200m Row
10 kipping HSPU
10 DL (135#)

Friday, April 18, 2014

Training Day 9

A. Snatch Push Press- Build to a heavy set of 3

B1. Snatch Grip DL w/ Straps from 3" blocks- 3x5 @50X1; Rest 1 min

B2. Powell Raise- 3x8/arm @30X1; Rest 2 min

C. 3 TnG Hang Squat Clean- 10 min EMOM

D. Back Extensions- 3x10-15 @4022; Rest 2 min

I surprised myself with the snatch push press. I could have gotten more if I were going for a max, and that was actually the most I'd ever done. Boom.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Training Day 8

A. Front Squat @20X1- Build to a 3RM, then 2RM, then 1RM
(255/265/275--heavy singles, never reached failure)

B1. Good Morning @30X1- 5x8-10; Rest 30 sec

B2. KettleBell Bench Press @30X1- 5x6-8; Rest 2 min

10 min EMOM
Power Snatch + OHS @ 65-75%
(135--missed first two attempts then did 10)

Rest 2 min

10 min EMOM
Power Clean + 2 Split Jerks @ 65-75%
(155--slow hip drive)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Training Day 7

80% Effort

1000m Row
Rest 3 min

7 min AMRAP
10 Russian KB Swings
10 Box Jumps (30)
1 Burpee MU
Rest 3 min

Repeat once

So, on the second time of the AMRAP, I could have totally gotten about 5 more reps without speeding up, but I decided since it's all at 80%, I should definitely just get the same thing. So I settled for my 3+2. Boom.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Training Day 6

A1. 1 1/4 Back Squat- 3x5 @30X1;  Rest 30 sec

A2. DB External Rotation- 3x10/arm @50X1; Rest 2 min

B1. Front Rack Step Ups- 5x8/leg alternating on 20" box; Rest 1 min

B2. Push Press- 5x5-7 @30X3; Rest 2 min

C. Side Bend- 3x10/side; Rest 30 sec b/w sides

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Training Day 5

70% Effort      10 min work/ 5 min rest

200m Run
7 WallBall (20#)
(5 + 200m)

200m Row
10 DB Snatches (55#)
5 Burpees

AirDyne 60 sec
10 Thrusters (45#)
(4 + AirDyne + 8 Thrusters)

200m Run
10 Box Jumps (30--step down)
5 Clapping Push Ups
(5 + 200m)

Friday, April 11, 2014

Training Day 4

A. Snatch Push Press- Build to heavy set of 5

B1. Snatch Grip DL 5x3 @50X1; Rest 1 min

B2. Powell Raise 3x8/arm @30X1; Rest 2 min

C. 10 min EMOM- 3 TnG Cleans (165#)

D. Single Leg Back Extensions 3x8-10/leg @30X1; Rest 2 min between sets

I hurt bad today.

Training Day 3

A. Front Squat 3x3 @20X1; Rest 2 min b/w sets

B1. Good Morning 5x8-10 @30X1; Rest 30 sec

B2. DB Bench Press 5x8-10 @30X1; Rest 2 min


10 min EMOM
Power Snatch + OHS

Rest 2 min

10 min EMOM
Power Clean + 2 Jerks

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Training Day 2

80% Day

Run 800m

Rest 3 minutes

Row 500m
30 KB Swings (70#)
30 Box Jumps (24"-step down)
30 Pullups
30 OH Walking Lunges (45# plate)
60 Double Unders

Rest 3 minutes

Run 800m

The runs were supposed to be the same time. Whoops. But I feel pretty good about that 2:55 because that's pretty close to my PR, and I had a lot more left after that 2:55. For the workout, I was intentionally trying to stop and breathe, so I didn't redline.

Training Day 1

I now understand supersets

A1. 1 & 1/4 Back Squat @30X1  3x6 (255#)
Rest 30 seconds

A2.  DB External Rotation @50X1 3x10/arm (15#)
Rest 2 minutes

B1. Front Rack Step Ups 20" box 5x10 alternating (65#--probably could have gone a little heavier)
Rest 1 minute

B2. Push Press @30X3 5x6-8 (135#)
Rest 2 minutes

C. Side Bend 3x10 (55#--probably should have done 75#)
Rest 30 seconds between sides

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Week 1 Testing Day 4

5 Rounds For Time:
1000m Row
15 Thrusters (75#)
15 PullUps
15 Burpees

Fun workout. Would like to redo it after working for a few months. It was nice to do normal pullups for a change. I did first two rounds unbroken, 3rd and 4th rounds broke pull-ups, and 5th round broke thrusters with unbroken pull-ups. Thrusters felt great. I would like to do Jackie, just to see what I could get.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Week 1 Testing Day 3

1RM Snatch
(165#--PR is 175#)


20 Snatches at 75% of above for time


1RM Front Squat @ 30X1


1 set of max reps @ 85% of above @ 30X1

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Week 1 Testing Day 2

Side Plank- 1x Max hold both sides (rest 2 min between sides)


RFE DB Squat- 8RM per leg (rest 30 sec between legs)


30 Strict HSPU For Time:
(DNF- 25 and couldn't finish)


50 Strict Pull Ups For Time:

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Week 1 Testing Day 1

1 RM Standing Press @ 30X1


1RM Weighted Pullup @ 30X1


5k Row For Time

Sore as crap from 14.5. Row felt pretty good (with the exception of the usual feeling of death, but that's cool).