Wednesday, August 26, 2015

PBB Day 21

Didn't have time for AM




Row 350m ALL OUT
Rest 1 min
OHS (115)
CTB Pullups
(54 seconds on Row-- 6:54 on couplet. I felt strong in the OHS position, but I couldn't do a lot at once. I did 8-7-6, 8-7, 5-4 on OHS. Pullups were fine-- 15-6, 10-5, 9. I broke just to keep from ripping my hands again.)

PBB Day 20

A. Front Squat w/ 1 sec Pause- 3 Reps/min for 6 min @ 185#
(Yes--not too difficult.)


18 min EMOM
1st- 3 STO 
2nd- 5 Back Squats
3rd- 7 Deadlifts
(165--all felt good.)


3 Rounds for Time
30 sec Wall Facing HS Hold
45 sec Hollow Hold
45 sec Arch Hold
(I realized that my strength has increased a lot, but my gymnastics and engine have been suffering because of my lack of focus in my training. Definitely have to step those up before Pensacola.)

PBB Day 19

A. Back Squat @ 40X1- 4x5; Rest 3 min


Sled Sprint w/ 100# on top- 4x15sec; Rest 2-3 min
(About 75-100ft per time.)


32 min EMOM
1st- 10 Russian KB Swings @ 70# + Bike easy
2nd- 20' HS Walks + Bike Easy
3rd- 30 Du + Bike Easy
4th- 6 Burpees to 8" target + Bike Easy

PBB Day 18

10 min Run @ Z2
10 min Row @ Z2
10 min Bike @ Z2
(Yes. Lots of sweat and breathing.)



A1. Push Press @ 30X3- 4x8-10 reps; Rest 30 sec
(115, 120, 120, 125-- shoulders just felt weak)

A2. L-Sit Rope Climbs- 4x1; Rest 2 min
(Failed 3rd one. VERY hard.)


3 Rounds for Time
Run 400m
21 Wallballs 
12 TTB


10 min Bike easy

PBB Day 17

Row 150m @ 2k PR pace, Rest 60 sec x 5
(1:45--felt good.)


Row 2k @ 2:02/500m, Rest 60 sec x 3
(Was very difficult on the third one. Fell down to about a 2:10 for a few strokes.)


30 min Mobility
(Main focus was hips and ankles. Also hit some shoulders.)

A. Snatch Cluster 1.1.1- Build to tough set
(175--you saw video. Reverted to old habits in fatigue. Still better, though.)

B. Snatch Deadlift- 4x3; Rest 3 min

C. Snatch Push Press @ 30X3- 4x3; Rest 2 min


4 Rounds For Time
50' Front Rack Lunge (135)
8 Bar MU
5 Box Jumps (36")
(7:58--that was very mental because I knew I should be unbroken on everything. Broke bar mu on last round @ 5/3)

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

PBB Day 16



2 Sets @ high effort
7 Sumo Dead Lifts (205)
Row 1000m
Rest 3 min b/w sets
(4:07, 4:09)


2 Sets @ high effort
12 Banded Russian KB Swings (70)
Air Bike 4 min
Rest 3 min b/w sets
(4:14, 4:16--have nothing to record from bike because screen is broken, and there's only one bike. I switched gyms to have more competitive people pushing me to be better, so all the equipment I had access to, I don't have anymore.)

16 min EMOM
1st- 3 Power Cleans @ 185 not TnG
2nd- 2-3 Deficit Strict HSPU
(Power Cleans were fine. Deficit was 35's and 15's with an abmat. 3 reps each time, but it felt really tough each time.)


3 Rounds For Time
Run 400m
25 CTB
(9:26--hand ripped second round. Made the pull-ups slower because I had to do fingertips. I also ran pretty slow. Runs were up around 2:00 each time.)

Monday, August 17, 2015

PBB Day 15

A. Back Squat- 3,2,1 Rest 2 minutes
(275-300-315. Felt good.)

B. Behind the Neck Press @ 30X3-- 1RM
(115--couldn't get through the sticking point at 120.)


1 min Row for Calories
Rest 1 min
3 min Wallballs (20#--no 30# ball)
Rest 1 min
3 min DB Snatch (55#--no 75#)
Rest 1 min
5 min DU
Rest 1 min
4 min Burpees Over Erg
(31 calories--69 wallballs--37 DB snatches--369 DU--44 burpees-- WOW at the quads. So hard to make myself do the wallballs and db snatches.)



Did an Oly class

Jerk Balance-- 5x3; RAN
(115--worked on technique. ALOT better than it used to be. Having trouble with taking my back foot far enough back and getting up out of the catch. I always want to bring my back foot forward first, so I'm working on bringing the front foot back first.)


Clean and Jerk-- Pause 2 sec at the knee, touch the ground, and clean; Build to max
(245--the oly coach told me my clean is damn near perfect. Jerk is just what I typed above, but he said my last jerk was perfect, though. Missed 250 on the clean because I was too tired to stand it up. It felt incredible to have an Oly coach give me that compliment, because it's been such a battle learning this.)

PBB Day 14

Sled Push-- 6x10sec ALL OUT; Rest 2-3 minutes
(Pushed 170--made it about 70-80 feet each time. Had to do it on the turf inside because it was storming outside)


Didn't do the 30 minute EMOM. Tweaked my erector on front squats the day before. Not exactly sure how, so I just ran for 30 minutes instead.

Friday, August 14, 2015

PBB Day 13

A1. Front Squat @ 20X1- 3,2,1; Rest 30 seconds

A2. L-Sit PullUps- 3x4-6; Rest 2 minutes
(Yes. Did 6 each time.)

B. Double KB Front Squat @ 22X1- 5x8; Rest 90 seconds
(35--slightly difficult but MUCH easier than previous weeks)

C. Back Extensions- 3x15; Rest 60sec

10 Legless Rope Climbs


10 Rounds for Time
100m Run
(8:22--TTB were unbroken all but the last two rounds. 4+3 round 9, and 2+2+2+1 last round. Grip was shot.)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

PBB Day 12

7 Sets for Consistency
30 sec Row
30 sec Rest
30 sec Bike
30 sec Rest
30 sec Box Jump (30"- step down)
30 sec Rest
30 sec Burpee Pull Up
30 sec Rest
30 sec KB Swing
30 sec Rest
(134-137m on Rower, 29 reps on Bike because the monitor was broken, 10-12 box jumps, 8-10 burpee pull ups, 14-16 KB Swings)

A. Split Position BB Press @ 30X3- 4x4-6; Rest 2 minutes

B. Snatch Grip Dead Lift @ 31X1- 3,2,1
(165-185-215…215 felt really good. Ready to snatch that ;))


Snatches (135)
(6:11--not great time, but not a bad time for my first time. Snatches were obviously what slowed me down.)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

PBB Day 11

40 min EMOM
1st- 7 GH Situps + row easy
2nd- 5 rebounding box jumps (30") + row easy
3rd- 2 Wall Walks + 10' HS Walk + Row easy
4th- 2 Skin The Cats + Row easy
(Yes. Enjoyed the skills. Felt long as heck, though.)

16 min EMOM
1st- 3 Front Squats @ 70% 
2nd- 4-5 Push Press @ 135
(No chains--added a 2-3 second pause at the bottom instead. Push Press was relatively easy the whole time. Harder last two sets)


3 Sets @ High Consistent Effort *change order*
60 DU
12 TTB
10 DB Alt Snatches (55)
12 KB Thrusters (35--no DB that were 35)
8 Burpees to 6" Target
Rest 3 min
(3:50,3:40,3:45--second set was faster because of the lack of transition between burpees and TTB. Jumped straight up into my TTB from last burpee)

PBB Day 10

A1. Back Squat Cluster- 4x1.; Rest 15 sec + 30 sec
(255,270,285,300-- WOW. ROUGH. My nervous system hated me after that.)

A2. Behind the Neck Press Cluster- 4x1.; Rest 15 sec + 60 sec
(95,95,100,100-- triceps hated this.)


Thrusters (165)
Bar MU
(19:47-- had a hard time with this. I didn't feel like working out. My nervous system was shot. I quit for like 3 minutes then decided to finish after it took me 7 minutes to do the first 30 reps. It's about time I had a breakdown in my training. It's been needing to happen. I feel better and ready to work hard now--hope it isn't too late.)

PBB Day 9


Partner workout

100 Calorie Row
100 Pull Ups
1 Mile Run
100 Deadlifts (135)
100 Box Jumps Overs

Run 200m when not working and switch when that partner gets back

(26:27--fastest time of the day. Ran exactly 2 miles. I did a majority of the work on everything. I would say 60/40 split.)

PBB Day 8

A1. Front Squat @ 20X1- 5x3; Rest 30 seconds

A2. Wtd Pullup Cluster- 5x2.2.2.2; Rest 20 sec + 2 minutes
(5,7,10,15,15--easier than last time)

B. Double KB Front Squat @ 22X1- 4x8; Rest 90 sec
(35--wow. Rough)

C. 200m Walking Lunges
(3:51--unbroken. No rest.)

Traveled to Chicago

PBB Day 7

8 Rounds for Consistency
30 sec Row
30 sec Rest
30 sec Air Bike
30 sec Rest
30 sec DU
30 sec Rest
30 sec Burpees
30 sec Rest
(135-139 on rower, 7-8 cal on bike, 58-61 DU, and 8-10 burpees)

Hardcore vball practice for a tournament this coming Sunday (16th)

Monday, August 3, 2015

PBB Day 6

A1. Back Squat Cluster- 4x2.2.2.2; Rest 15 Sec + 30 seconds
(235,245,255,265--a little pain. Felt pretty good though.)

A2. Behind the Neck Press Cluster- 4x2.2.2.2; Rest 15 seconds + 60 seconds


Squat Clean Thruster (165)
(7:05--thrusters murdered me. MU were unbroken)

PBB Day 5

10 sets for consistency
30 Second Row
30 Second Rest
30 Second Bike
30 Second Rest
30 Second DU
30 Second Rest
(135-139m, 7-8 Calories, 58-60 depending on if I tripped up or not)

A. Split Position Single Arm DB Press @ 30X3- 4x6-8/arm; Rest 60 seconds between sides
(30,35,35,40--did 8 every time except with the 40's. I got 7.)

B. Snatch Grip DL @ 31X1- 5,5,3,3; Rest 2-3 minutes
(135,155,175,200--worked up to my 1RM snatch. Felt good and relatively light. A little pain in my back)

C. Snatch- AMRAP TnG @ 135; Rest 3 minutes   x3
(6,6,6--missed number 7 on the first and second. Didn't try for it on the third because number 6 was tough)

D. Single Arm Hang- accumulate 1 minute

E. Single Arm Handstand Facing Wall- accumulate 1 minute
(Better. Still didn't stay up on my right hand for long, but I did get up on it this time)