Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Training Day 2

A. Front Squat @ 70%-- 3x5; Rest 2-3 min
(225--not exactly 70%, but it felt really good and light)

B. RFE Split Squat-- 3x10/leg; Rest as needed
(No Rest. Right leg was a little more unstable.)

C. Row 2:00 @ 75-80%; Rest 1 min x7
(493-502m-- intervals 6&7 were a little tough)


Snatch-- 1x3 @ 40%, 1x3 @ 50%, 1x3 @ 60%, 1x2 @ 70%, 2x3 @ 80%

Clean & Power Jerk-- 1x3 @ 35%, 1x3 @ 45%, 1x3 @ 55%, 2x3 @ 65%, 4x2 @ 75%

Monday, September 28, 2015

Training Day 1

Training starts again today.

20 minute Bike easy


30 minute gymnastics work
(Focuses on Handstand holds/walking with perfect position, skin the cats, front levers)


20 minutes of mobility

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

PBB Day 29

Class Workout because gym didn't allow personal programs due to space.

A. Front Squat- 5x5


KB Swings (70)
Ring Rows
(12,11,11,11 on KB Swings. 14,10,8,8 on Ring Rows)

PBB Day 27

Did a class workout. Nothing too fancy or challenging.

PBB Day 26

Run 30min Z3
(didn't have time to do get to the gym for the actual AM)

Posture Protocol


A1. Push Press @ 30X3- 4x2-3; Rest 30 sec

A2. Legless Rope Climb + 10 CTB- 4 sets; Rest 2 min
(Yes. CTB got a little challenging)


Row 750m
15 Burpees
25 Box Jumps (20")
Row 500m
20 Burpees
20 Box Jumps (24")
Row 250m
25 Burpees
15 Box Jumps (30")

PBB Day 25

A. Hang Snatch- Tough Single
(185--solid. Didn't try heavier.)

B. Snatch High Pull- 4x3; Rest 3 min
(155, 175, 185, 185--didn't have straps)

C. Snatch Push Press- 3 tough/min for 6 min


4 Rounds
50' Axle Bar Front Rack Lunges @ 115
10 Goblet Squats @ 53

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

PBB Day 24

Posture Protocol


75 sec Air Bike ALL OUT
Rest 2 min
21-15-9 Wallballs
15-15-15 Box jumps
9-15-21 TTB
(6:23--no 30# ball.)

PBB Day 23

A. Front Squats w/ 1 sec pause @ 195- 3 Reps/min for 8 minutes
(Yep. Not too hard)


18 min EMOM
1st- 4 Thrusters @ 165
2nd- 4 Box Jumps @ 40"
3rd- 6 Pendlay Rows @ 145
(Thrusters got tough and so did Rows)


3 Rounds Not For Time
40 sec Wall Facing Handstand
45 sec Hollow Hold
45 sec Arch Hold

PBB Day 22

A1. Push Press @ 30X3- 4x8-10; Rest 30 seconds

A2. L-Sit Rope Climb- 4x1; Rest 2 minutes
(Yes. Easier this time)


Row 500m
12 DL
21 Box Jumps