Saturday, November 29, 2014

Training Day 37

Run 20-30 minutes
(Easy 25:00. Ran about 3 miles.)


A. Standing Press--1RM
(135--couldn't get 140)


8 Sets @ High Effort
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24")
Rest 30 Seconds
3 Burpee MU
10 Alternating KB Snatches (53)
Rest 30 Seconds
(First part was :22,:24,:23,:22,:24,:24,:28,:26. My TTB got sloppy, but never got harder. I slowed down on BBJO at the end.   Second part was :47,:46,:48,:51,:57,1:08,1:04,1:01. This one got harder faster. The BMU got hard. The snatches were just suck it up and go.)

Training Day 36

2 Sets For Warmup
7 Richardson Curls w/ 65# on a box
30 second Wtd Sorenson
10-20 second L Sit on Rings
30 Shoulder Taps Facing wall


A. OHS @ 20X1- max reps at bodyweight x 3; Rest 4 minutes

B. Double Kettlebell Front Rack Lunge- 3x16 steps; Rest 2 minutes

C. TGU- 5RM/arm
(53--right arm was weaker. Could have done one heavier on the left if it wasn't a 9 pound jump)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Training Day 35

Gymnastics Play Session
(Bar complex- 1 of each: TTB, KTE, PU, CTB, MU, Roll Over To Support)


A1. Close Grip Bench Press- 5x AMRAP @ bodyweight
(180--4 each time)

A2. Strict Pull-ups- 5x AMRAP 


3 Sets @ High Effort
30 Calorie Bike
30 Box Jump Overs (20")
30 Burpees to 8"
Rest 1:1
(7:04,5:42,4:52--really lazy on first one. Inconsistent on burpees in second one. Kicked butt on the third one)

Training Day 34

A. Snatch Cluster 1.1.1- Tough Set
(165--missed number 3 at 175 a couple times.)

B. 20 minute EMOM
1st- 5 Power Cleans as fast as possible not TnG (165)
2nd- 5 Strict HSPU
(Power Cleans were all between 12-14 seconds. HSPU were all unbroken)

C1. Reverse Hyper- 3x20

C2. Dragon Flags- 3x8
(Hard as heck.)

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Training Day 33

Run 20-30 minutes
(30 minutes)

A. Seated Behind the Neck Press- 1RM
(125--missed 130.)


8 Sets @ High Effort
4 Burpees
6 KB Swings (70)
8 Wallballs (20)
Rest 45 seconds
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Squats
Rest 45 Seconds
(First part was all between :38 and :43--Second part was all between :28 and :33)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Training Day 32

3 Sets For WarmUp
12 Russian KB Swings (88)
60 Second Banded Hip Flexor Stretch
3 Max Front Lever Holds
20-30 Second Pseudo Planche Hold


A. Power Clean.Hang Clean From Knee.Jerk 1.1.2- tough set
(205--should have gone 215 but jumped to 225 and missed hang clean)

B. 14 min EMOM
1st- 4 OHS (155)
2nd- 1 Legless Rope Climb

C. Prowler Sprint- 15 seconds all out; rest 2-3 minutes x 6

Monday, November 17, 2014

Training Day 31

A. Snatch Cluster No Feet 1.1.1- tough set
(165--felt great.)

B. 20 minute EMOM
1st- 5 TnG Power Snatch (135)
2nd- 5 Strict HSPU
(Made most of it at the weight and strict--last 3 sets were at 115 and I kipped the last 2 of the HSPU each time)

Didn't have time for C1 and C2 today.


Did the class WOD

For Time:
Row 500m
40 Wallballs
30 Burpees
(5:24--those burpees suck. That's definitely what took the most time)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Training Day 30

A. Behind the Neck Press @ 30X3-- 5x3; Rest 2 minutes


12 minute AMRAP
60 Wallballs
40 Power Cleans (115)
20 Bar Facing Burpees

Friday, November 14, 2014

Training Day 29

2 Sets for WarmUp
7 Richardson Curls (65)
30 Second WTD Sorenson (25)
10-20 Second L-Sit on Rings
20 Shoulder Taps Facing Wall


4 Minute AMRAP (ascending ladder)
2 Deadlifts (275)
4 DL
6…6….so on
(71 Reps--11 deadlifts in the set of 12. One more deadlift and I could have flown through the HSPU. Darn.)


A. OHS @ 22X1-- Build to tough 3 slowly
(145--I felt weak in my core after the Deadlifts.)

B. Double Kettlebell OH Lunge- 3x10; Rest 2 minutes
(53's--felt good and tough.)

C. Double Kettlebell Front Rack Walk- 5x1minute; Rest as needed
(53's--rested two minutes between each set. Felt good. Got easier as I went, actually.)

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Training Day 28

3 Sets for Warmup
12 Russian KB Swings (88)
60 Second Banded Hip Flexor Stretch
3 Max Effort Front Lever Holds
20-30 Second Pseudo Planche Hold with Feet on Bench


A. Power Clean.Front Squat.Jerk- 1.1.2 tough set
(225--jumped back some on my clean and didn't drop enough on my jerk. I did get a good lunge forward with throwing my head through quickly, though.)


14 minute EMOM
1st- 5 OHS (135)
2nd- 1 Strict MU + 2 MU
(You prescribed 155 for OHS, but that absolutely was not happening today. I did one set and my arms almost fell off. My shoulders were fried from the past two days. It even affected my MU.)


Prowler Sprint with 45's On Top- 12 seconds ALL OUT; Rest 2-3 minutes
(Yep. Harder than last week.)

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Training Day 27

A1. Press x 5 + Handstand Walk 25ft + Max Rep HSPU Kipping--5 sets
(95/16, 100/10, 105/6, 110/3, 115/3---I have never felt so weak in a handstand position in my life. My shoulders were giving out, and my core was buckling.)

A2. Strict PullUp wtd x 2 + Max Rep Bar MU--5 sets
(26/11, 35/10, 37.5/6, 40/8, 42.5/8--I felt really strong in my bar MU. The hardest thing was mental. Obviously my muscles fatigued with the numbers, but it still felt more mental.)


3 Sets @ High Effort
20 Calorie Air Bike
20 Box Jump Overs (24)
20 Burpees No Jump
10 Double Kettlebell Snatch (35)
Rest 1:1
(4:07, 4:12, 3:54--first set was as written, second was bottom to top, and third was burpees, bike, snatches, box jump overs.)

Monday, November 10, 2014

Training Day 26

A. Snatch Cluster- 1.1.1 no hook grip
(165--back was a little funny, so 175 wasn't happening today.)

B. 20 minute EMOM
2 Power Snatches @ 135 + 3 Strict HSPU
(Made it through 10 minutes as prescribed. Then I did 2 strict and 1 kipping for 8 rounds. Then I couldn't do 1 strict, so I did 3 kipping for the last 2 minutes. That's a total of 46 Strict HSPU!!!! PR for a day's work.)

C1. Reverse Hyper- 3x20; Rest as needed
(100# for all 3 sets and felt great! Not the slightest bit of pain.)

C2. Stir the Pot- 3x1:15; Rest as needed

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Training Day 25

A. Behind the Neck Press @ 30X3- 5x4; Rest 2 minutes


15 Sets @ High Effort
7 Thrusters (75)
7 Box Jump Overs (30)
Rest 1 minute
*mix order ever time*
(All between 40 and 46 seconds)

Friday, November 7, 2014

Training Day 24

2 Sets For WarmUp
7 Richardson Curls (65)
30 second WTD Sorenson (25)
20 second L-Sit on Rings
30 Shoulder Taps Facing Wall


6 minute Running Clock
5 minutes to find 3RM TnG Snatch
1 minute Max Bar MU
(165 and 15)


KBS (70)
Box Jumps (24)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Training Day 23

6 min running clock
5 min to find 3RM TnG Snatch
1 min max rep Bar MU
(165 and 14--thinking about redoing this one, but not sure it would be worth it. Let me know.)


A. Clean.Front Squat.Jerk 1.2.1- build to tough set
(225--and felt pretty solid. Definitely could have gone heavier, but it was tough so I stopped.)

B. 14 minute EMOM
1st- 5 DB Thrusters (55)
2nd- 3 MU
(Wasn't very difficult. The DB thrusters were awkward, but that's because I haven't done them in a long time--if ever?)


Prowler Sprint w/ 45's on top- 10 seconds ALL OUT; Rest 2 minutes x6
(Again, wasn't too difficult. I didn't feel it other than breathing until the last two sets, and even then it wasn't much.)

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Training Day 22

Gymnastics Play Session
(Got my first strict freestanding HSPU!!!!)


A1. Press.Push Press.Push Jerk-- 5RM Press, max rep Push Press, max rep Push Jerk. All without putting bar down.
(115--got 17 Push Press and 6 Push Jerks. Did 95 first, and I got 26 Push Press and 11 Push Jerks)

A2. WTD PullUps.Pullups-- 5RM wtd Pullup, max rep Strict Pullup.
(35--did 7 strict pull-ups. Did 26 first, and I got 10 strict pull-ups.)


3 Sets @ High Effort
50 DU
20 KB Swings (53)
20 Box Jump Overs (24")
15 Shoulder to OH (95)
10 Bar Facing Burpees
*Mix Order*
(2:57,2:37,3:14--hardest thing was the burpees, and I never feel that way about burpees. Starting with them was definitely the easiest.)

Monday, November 3, 2014

Training Day 21

A. Hang Snatch Below the Knee- Build to 5RM
(145--got 155 3 times once and 4 times once. That is hard. But PR's all around! I also felt a lot more solid than I have in a while)

B. 20 minute EMOM
1st- Power Snatch + OHS (135)
2nd- 8 TTB
(Yep. It was pretty easy.)

C1. Reverse Hyper- 3x20; Rest as needed
(80#--NO PAIN FOR 3 SETS!!!!!! And that's 30 pounds more than I've ever done)

C2. Stir the Pot- 3x1:00; Rest as needed
(I felt like an idiot, but it definitely works the core)