Thursday, April 30, 2015

Training Day 13

A. Front Squat with 2 sets of chains/side @ 11X1- Build to 3RM then -20% for 3x3
(225--185 for 3x3.)

B1. Incline Bench Press @ 33X3- 5x5-7; Rest 30 seconds
(135--didn't try heavier because my triceps were super sore today from a competition with my professor yesterday for extra credit. I got the extra credit, though.)

B2. False Grip Pullups @ 30X2- 5x4-5; Rest 30 seconds
(False grip started giving out on me. I was just tired)

C1. Dragon Flags- 4-6 reps as slow as possible; Rest 30 seconds

C2. Reverse Hyper- 5x20; Rest 30 seconds

Training Day 12

55 minutes @ Easy Effort
(I don't remember what it was, and the email kind of disappeared. Oh well. I did it, and it was good.)

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Training Day 11

A. 2-Position Snatch- Build to Tough Set then -5% and -10% for a set
(170--no fails and it's a PR from high hang. 160 for -5% and failed first rep then got it second attempt. 150 for -10%. Felt good and fast.)

B. Snatch Grip RDL @ 52X1- Build to tough set of 5
(Hurt too bad to do)

C. Back Squat @ 20X1- Build to tough triple
(275--Didn't feel amazing on the back, but wasn't too bad)


14 minute EMOM
1st- 10 DB Push Press 
2nd- 1 Bar MU, 2 Strict CTB, 3 Strict PullUps
(DB Push Press was tough the last 2 sets. I did 55's for all 7 sets. And the complex got hard the last 3 sets. My grip as well as my scaps started to get weak.)

Training Day 10

Run 40 minutes Easy

I was out of town. Didn't have time to do program at a gym because they were all only open in the morning, and I was busy.

Training Day 9

A. Power Clean- Build to 5RM TnG
(220--tried 225, and only got it 3 times. Had to squat number 4)

B. Power Clean- 2 TnG @ 5RM weight every minute for 6 minutes
(Yep. It was fine. Felt a little sloppy toward the end.)

C. Double KB Front Rack Step Ups- 3x10/leg; Rest 30 seconds between legs
(53#--arms almost gave out on last set)

D. DB Weighted Back Extensions @ 4022- 3x10-12; Rest 2 minutes
(25# plate because they didn't have any dumbbells. Held it in front)

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Training Day 8

A. Front Squat with 2 Sets of Chains @ 13X1- Build to 3RM
(215--felt incredibly strong, and I probably could have gotten more. I just didn't want to push my back too far. 175 for 3x3)

B1. Incline Bench Press @ 33X3- 5x6-8; Rest 30 seconds
(135--only 6 reps each time. It was tough on the 6th rep)

B2. False Grip Pull Ups @ 30X2- 5x4-5; Rest 2 minutes
(5 reps each time. Tough, but doable. May try adding weight next week.)

C1. Dragon Flag- 6 reps as slow as possible
(Enjoyed it)

C2. Back Extensions- 20 reps

Training Day 7

50 minutes @ Easy Effort
1000m Row
25' HS Walk
50' Crab Crawl
25 KB Swings (35)

Training Day 6

A. 3- Position Snatch- Tough set
(155 with no lifters because I didn't have them. 145 for a set and 135 for a set)

B. Snatch Grip RDL @ 33X1- Tough triple
(185--hurt on the hold)

C. Back Squat @ 13X1- Tough Triple
(275--felt pretty weak today)


14 minute EMOM
1st- 7 DB Arnold Press
2nd- 5 Strict CTB
(Got all the strict CTB in one set while touching my chest on the last one)

Monday, April 20, 2015

Training Day 5

Run 40 minutes easy

Didn't have time to workout before I headed home.

Training Day 4

A. Power Clean- 6RM TnG

B. Power Clean- 2 reps every minute for 6 minutes @ 6RM weight
(205--had to get belt out)

Didn't do other two parts because ran out of time before class. I did an ab workout and ran a mile in 6:50.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Training Day 3

A. Front Squat w/ 2 Chains/Side @ 15X1- Build to 1RM, -20% for 3x3
(235--missed 240. 185 for 3x3)

B1. Incline Bench Press @ 33X3- 5x6-8; Rest 30 seconds
(135--got 7  once and 6 the rest)

B2. False Grip Pull Ups on Rings @ 30X2- 5x4-5; Rest 2 minutes
(Yep. That's rough)

C1. Hollow Rock- 5x60 seconds; Rest 30 Seconds

C2. Reverse Hyper- 5x15; Rest 30 Seconds
(50 pounds. Always good)

Training Day 2

45 minutes @ Easy Effort
Row 1000m
2 TGU/arm (44)
10 Alternating Step Ups (24")
50' Crab Crawl

(Yes. Substituted single arm OH KB carry for TGU after 3 rounds because my scraped up knees didn't appreciate the TGU.)

Monday, April 13, 2015

Training Day 1

A. 3 Position Snatch- Build to tough set, then take of 5% and 10% for a set
(165--missed high hang twice, then hit it solid followed by 2 solid sets)

B. Snatch Grip RDL @ 33x1- Tough triple
(165--was hurting my back)

C. Back Squat @ 30x1- Tough Triple
(300--felt good.)


14 minute EMOM
1st- DB Arnold Press
2nd- Strict CTB
(35s on Arnold. Should have gone up. Failed 5th rep on CTB every time, even after rest. I just couldn't get that last bit of retraction)

Friday, April 10, 2015

Testing Day 3

A. Power Clean and Jerk- 1RM with no pause at shoulder
(240--just missed 245, which was a PR power clean by 5 pounds)

B. Power Clean and Jerk- 5RM with no pause at shoulder
(200--felt pretty solid)

C. Deadlift- 3RM @ 30X1
(350--didn't try heavier because I could feel my back. Just being cautious)

D. Sorenson Test- Max Hold

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Testing Day 2

A. Front Squat- 1RM @ 30X1
(290--tried 305 and missed just out of the hole)

B. RFE Split Squat- 8RM @ 30X1
(155-- thought I was going to die)


400m Run For Time
(:53--man I have not been running)

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Testing Day 1

50 Strict HSPU For Time
(7:26--couldn't finish 25 last time we did strict HSPU for time)

Rest As Needed

20 Sets of 5 CTB For Time
(5:50--poor hands and biceps)


TGU- 1RM/arm
(62--arms are done. Hard to hold a lock out)