Friday, September 30, 2016

Training Day 14

A. Front Squat, 6, 4, 2, 6, rest 2-3 min b/w sets
(245,265,285,265,245--my squat didn't feel great today, but it worked.)

B. Single Leg RDL w/ BB @ 40X1, 4 x 5/leg, rest 45 sec b/w legs

C1. Front Lever Tuck Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4 x 4-6, rest 60 sec

C2. Strict pHSPU’s @ 20X2, 4 x 4-6, rest 90 sec **as much deficit as possible
(3". Felt super weak)

D. Barbell Overhead Carry, 4 x 100’, rest as needed **goal is 1RM pres weight
(205 broken into 50'. No more than 10 seconds rest before picking it back up)

Training Day 13

Did class workout instead today. Somebody challenged me.

20min AMRAP

50 Wallballs
50 DU
40 Box Jumps
40 TTB
30 CTB
30 Burpees
20 Cleans (145)
20 Jerks (145)
10 snatches (145)
10 MU
(327--1 round plus 27 Wallballs)

Training Day 12

A. Hang Squat Snatch + Power Snatch, tough complex in 12 min
(195--PR hang snatch)

B. Squat Snatch, 1/30 sec @ 75-90% of A for 12 reps
(185--missed one so did it again)

C. Deadlift @ 30X1, 10, 8, 6 reps, rest 2-3 min

D. Front Rack Deficit RFE Split Squat @ 30X1, 3 x 8/leg, rest as needed **front foot on 45# plate


3 rounds for cool down
Row 250m
5-8 Jefferson Curls

Friday, September 23, 2016

Training Day 11

A. Front Squat, 8, 6, 4, 6, 8, rest 2-3 min b/w sets

B. Single Leg RDL w/ BB @ 40X1, 3 x 8/leg, rest 45 sec b/w legs
(135--still tightens up my back)

C1. Front Lever Tuck Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4 x 4-6, rest 60 sec
(Yes. But hard.)

C2. Strict pHSPU’s @ 20X2, 4 x 4-6, rest 90 sec **as much deficit as possible
(Still can only get 4" with this tempo/scheme)

D. Single Arm KB Overhead Carry, 4 x 100’, rest as needed

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Training Day 10

A. Power Snatch @ 95#- max reps in 30 sec

B.GH Sit Ups- max reps in 30 sec **just back to parallel

C. Double Unders- max reps in 30 sec

D. Burpees- max reps in 30 sec


10 min EMOM
Power Snatch + GH Sit-Ups (50% of your reps from A & B)
(Yes. 6 power snatches and 10 sit-ups)

Rest 2-3 min

10 min EMOM
DU + Burpees (50% of your reps from C & D)
(Yes. 30 DU and 6 Burpees. Much easier this week)


3 rounds for time:
10 Muscle Ups
10 Thrusters, 115#
20 Cal Row
(11:26--first round unbroken. Second round was 7 and 3 on MU. Third was 5, 3, and 2 on MU. Thrusters all unbroken)

Monday, September 19, 2016

Training Day 9

A. Hang Power Snatch + Squat Snatch, tough complex in 12 min
(185--hang power snatch was tough. Sat in the bottom of the squat snatch for a while, too, saving the lift.)

B. Squat Snatch, 1/30 sec @ 75-90% of A for 12 reps
(165--caught a few forward. Overall pretty good--no misses)

C. Deadlift @ 30X1, 12, 10, 8 reps, rest 2-3 min **yes same rep scheme
(135,155,185--my lower back felt like it was going to explode today)

D. Front Rack Deficit RFE Split Squat @ 30X1, 3 x 10/leg, rest as needed **front foot on 45# plate
(65--lower back)


3 rounds for cool down
Row 250m
3 KB Windmills each arm
(35# on windmills)

Training Day 8

A. Front Squat, 10, 8, 6, 10, rest 2-3 min b/w sets
(225,245,265,225--much easier than last week on my body but still super tough)

B. Single Leg RDL w/ BB @ 40X1, 3 x 10/leg, rest 45 sec b/w legs
(135--lower back was tight)

C1. Front Lever Tuck Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4 x 4-6, rest 60 sec
(Yes. Tough)

C2. Strict pHSPU’s @ 20X2, 4 x 4-6, rest 90 sec **as much deficit as possible
(4" deficit. Tough)

D. Single Arm KB Overhead Carry, 3 x 150’, rest as needed

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Training Day 7

A. Hang Power Clean + Squat Clean + Jerk, build to tough complex in 12 min
(235--went for 245 and caught the power too low)

B1. Back Squat @ 40X1, 3 x 7 reps, rest 30 sec

B2. GH Raises @ 40X1, 3 x 4-6 reps, rest 2 min
(First set was rough. Next two weren't so bad. Think I just hadn't done them in a while)


2 sets
10 Power Clean TnG @ 135#
Row 500m @ 2k pace

Rest 2 min

10 Front Squats @ 135#
Run 400m @ mile pace
Rest 2 min

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Training Day 6

A. Overhead Squat @ 50% 1RM- max reps in 30 sec
(14 @ 115)

B. Toes to Bar- max reps in 25 sec

C. Double Unders- max reps in 30 sec

D. Burpees- max reps in 30 sec


10 min EMOM
Overhead Squat + Toes to Bar (50% of your reps from A & B)
(7 and 7. Got it. Grip was shot by the end)

Rest 2-3 min

10 min EMOM
Burpees + Double Unders (50% of your reps from A & B)
(30 and 6. Wow at the breathing)


3 rounds for time:
10 Muscle Ups
10 Thrusters, 115#
20 Cal Row
(Couldn't do it. My upper back was locked up, so thrusters hurt. Program it again next week, though)

Monday, September 12, 2016

Training Day 5

A. Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch, tough complex in 12 min
(175--felt solid and fast)

B. Squat Snatch, 1/30 sec @ 70% of A for 12 reps
(Did 135 instead of 120 and it was super easy. Nailed them all)

C. Deadlift @ 30X1, 12, 10, 8 reps, rest 2-3 min
(225,250,275--felt good)

D. Front Rack Deficit RFE Split Squat @ 30X1, 3 x 10/leg, rest as needed **front foot on 45# plate
(95--super tough. Legs are still not fully healed from Friday.)


3 rounds for cool down
Row 250m
2 TGU/arm, moderate/light

Training Day 4

Did an event for Autism instead of my Saturday workout.

5min AMRAP
5 Power Cleans (155)
24 DU
10 Pull-ups
(5 rounds)


a partner workout with Burpee pull-ups, KB swings, and running. It was light and easy, but I don't remember the rep scheme.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Training Day 3

A. Front Squat, 12, 10, 8, 12, 10, rest 2-3 min b/w sets
(185,225,245,205,225--last set was the most difficult thing in the world and I only did 9 because I miscounted and thought I was gonna pass out.)

B. Single Leg RDL w/ BB @ 40X1, 3 x 10/leg, rest 45 sec b/w legs
(135--shaky legs.)

C1. Front Lever Tuck Pull Ups @ 20X1, 4 x 4-6, rest 60 sec
(Couldn't pull all the way to the top)

C2. Strict pHSPU’s @ 20X2, 4 x 4-6, rest 90 sec **as much deficit as possible

D. Single Arm KB Overhead Carry, 3 x 100’, rest as needed
(70#--right arm was a lot shakier than the left)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Training Day 2

A1. Push Press @ 20X2, 4 x 5 reps, rest 60 sec

A2. L-sit Rope Climb, 4 x 1 rep + 1 climb w legs, rest 90 sec


8 min @ 75%
50 Double Unders
10 Toes to Bar
12 Wallball, 20#
14 Box Jumps, 24”
(3+10 TTB)

Rest 7 min

Row 2k @ 90% 2k PR

Rest 7 min

8 min @ 75%
Run 200m
12 Double KB Russian Swings, 35#/H
5 Ring Dips
(4 rounds)

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Training Day 1

A. Power Snatch + Hang Snatch, build to tough complex in 12 min
(175--tried 185 but couldn't hang on to it.)

B. Squat Snatch, 1/30 sec @ 70% for 20 reps
(155--nailed them all. Felt pretty easy, too. Did have a little sloppiness toward the latter half, but I cleaned it up.)


3 sets -welcome back :)
4 min @ 85%
Row 150m
10 Thrusters, 75#
5 Bar-Facing Burpees
Rest 60 sec
Bike Sprint 30 sec MAX EFFORT
Rest 3 min
(3 rounds and 165m, 2 rounds + 1 Burpee and 165m, 2 rounds + 8 thrusters and 150m--holy stars. I couldn't imagine doing that with the bike instead. My legs were dead)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Testing Day 5

A1. Push Press, build to 1RM
(225--arched my back a little. Attempted 235 and failed.)

A2. Weighted Strict Chest to Bar Pull Up, build to 1RM
(44--went for 53 and failed)


30 min @ 70% effort, keep HR under 150bpm
Run 500m
20-30 sec L-sit hang from bar
50’ HS Walk
3 x 25 Double Unders
20-30 sec Sorenson Hold
(4+500m Run+20 second L-Sit Hang--the l-sit hang was super difficult. We should incorporate those more again.)