Saturday, July 30, 2016

Training Day 2

12 min EMOM
1st- 5 Kipping Deficit HSPU’s @ 6” deficit
2nd- 1 L-sit Rope Climb from seated
(Had to clamp my legs on the way down for the last rope climb for a second)


3 x Row 3 min @ 1:55/500m, rest 2 min
(Couldn't maintain 1:55 the whole time. Fell to 1:58-2:00)

Rest 5 min

For time:
3 rounds
Run 400m
21 Russian KB Swings, 70#
5 Muscle Ups
(10:27--the run.)

Friday, July 29, 2016

Training Day 1

A. Power Snatch + Snatch Balance, 1/min for 15 min w/ 2 sec pause in catch of SB, start @ 65% and build off feel, no failed reps
(135,140,140,145,145,150,150,155,155,160,160,165,170,175,180- 180 is a PR power snatch)

B. Front Squat @ 13X1, 4 x 5 reps, rest 2-4 min
(185 across the board. Back was a little tight, so I didn't push it.)


18 min EMOM
1st- 15 Wallball, 20#
2nd- 8 Toes to Bar + 25 Double Unders
3rd- 7 Burpee Box Jumps, 24”
(Yep. Just a good ole breather)

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Testing Day 5

A1. Strict Press, build to 1RM
(155--match PR)

A2. Wtd Pull Up, build to 1RM
(88--match PR, but I'm heavier now by 5lb. Weighing 180 right now)


Run 5-10 min warm up


Run 2-3 x 20m @ hard effort
Rest 3-5 min
Run 400m @ goal mile pace x 2, rest 2 min b/w


Run 1 mile for time:
(6:09--1:28,1:30,1:38,1:32 were my 400 splits. And I didn't die, but humidity was low, and it was cloudy.)

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Testing Day 4

A. Squat Snatch, build to 1RM in 15 min

B. Squat Snatch, 30 reps @ 70% of above for time:
(6:48--my squat is what made me tired. I would have much preferred power snatches)

C. Front Rack Step Ups, build to 10RM/leg rest as needed
(155--I thought I was going to die.)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Testing Day 3

A. Squat Clean + Jerk, build to 1RM in 15 min
(255--you saw the videos. Struggling with that heavy weight.)


30 Ring Muscle Ups for time: **no more than 5 on first set
(4:47--ripped around 18, which was around 2:30.)


10 min Bike cool down

Friday, July 22, 2016

Testing Day 2

5 min AMRAP
Legless Rope Climb from seated (not L-sit)
(5--failed the 6th about halfway)


50 Strict HSPU’s for time:
(14:57--at least I finished)


Row 3 x 10 sec MAX EFFORT, rest 2-3 min **record peak pace/500m


Row 1000m warm up, increase speed every 250m to goal 2k pace for last 250m

Rest 4-5 min

Row 2k for time:
(7:44--couldn't push. I don't feel like I have a go button in this heat yet. The last time I rowed a 2k a couple weeks ago was in an air conditioned gym in Chicago.)

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Testing Day 1

A. Front Squat @ 20X1, build to 1RM
(290--used my belt. Failed 290 once without the belt. Just got scared to push. Truly think I could have hit it without the belt, though)

B. Front Squat @ 85% @ 20X1, 1 x max reps
(245--5 reps.)

C. Single Leg Deadlift w/ BB @ 30X1, 3 x 5/leg, rest 2 min @ 145+
(Skipped this due to back tightness)


For time:
Power Snatch, 115#
Shoulder to OH, 115#
(4:31--used a narrow snatch grip and wide jerk grip. 10+2 unbroken, 6/2+4, 6+6 unbroken, 4+4/4, 2+10 unbroken)


3 sets
5 Jefferson Curls, 5-15#
45-60 sec Hollow Hold

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Training Day 23

A1. Strict Press, 5 x 3, rest 1 min @ 125-130 **last set max reps, leave 2 in tank
(125 for 1 set, 135 for 4 sets--got 4 on last one)

A2. Wtd Pull Up, 5 x 3, rest 2 min - heavy as possible


3 rounds for time:
Run 400m
21 Burpees
15 Power Snatch, 95#
(19:28--back was tight. Run sucked. Burpees stayed moving, but not quickly. Snatches were singles.)

Training Day 22

A. Squat Snatch, build to tough single for day **2 sec pause in catch
(185--missed 200.)

B. Squat Snatch, 30 reps @ 70% of above- 2 sec pause in catch of each one
(7:28 @ 135--missed a lot toward the end. The 2 second hold got me.)

C. Front Squat, build to tough 2
(245--wow. My quads.)

D. Front Rack Step Ups, 3 x 5/leg rest as needed
(75--tweaked something in my back. Got super tight)

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Training Day 21

A. Hang Squat Clean from below knee + Jerk, build to tough complex in 15 min
(255--attempted 265 and failed. Tried 260 and failed. jerks weren't great.)
B. Clean Pulls, 4 x 3 @ 100% of above, rest as needed
(225--I couldn't keep pulling 255 today. It was straining my back)


15 min EMOM
1- 12 Alt DB Snatch, 55#
2- 5 Muscle Ups
3- 12 Cal Row
(Highest number every time.)

Training Day 20

1st- 1 L-sit Rope Climb
2nd- 5-8 Strict HSPU’s
(Again the rope was a problem because of sweat)


3 sets
3 min Row @ 1:52-1:55/500m
2:00 min walk around
(Tough but more manageable.)


4 sets
30 sec Wallball, 25# (no 25# ball. 16,16,16,17)
30 sec rest
30 sec Bike (23,23,23,22)
30 sec rest
30 sec Burpee Box Jumps, 24” (8,9,9,8)
30 sec rest
30 sec Russian KB Swings, 70# (17,17,17,18)
30 sec rest

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Training Day 19

A. Front Squat @ 40X1, 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, rest 2-3 min building

B. Single Leg Deadlift w/ BB @ 30X1, 3 x 6/leg, rest 2 min @ 145+


BB Cycle Work
10 min EMOM
5 Power Snatch, stay light and focus on good perfect movement **95 again, focus on efficiency and getting comfortable
Rest 2-3 min
10 min EMOM
5 Power Clean to OH, stay light and focus on good perfect movement **135 - focus on efficiency and getting comfortable
Back Extensions @ 2020, 3 x 12 reps, rest as needed **light barbell on back if possible
3 sets
5 Jefferson Curls, 5-15#
45-60 sec Hollow Hold

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Training Day 18

A1. Strict Press, 5 x 4, rest 1 min @ 105-115 **last set max reps, leave 2 in tank
(115 for all sets--got 10 on the last set)

A2. Wtd Pull Up, 5 x 4, rest 2 min - heavy as possible


5 rounds for time:
12 Steps Walking Lunges, 135#
9 Hang Power Cleans, 135#
6 Shoulder to OH, 135#
(13:28. Kicked my butt. Mostly the lunges)

Training Day 17

A. Hang Squat Snatch, build to tough single for day (below knee)

B. Squat Snatch, 1/45 sec w/ 80-95% of A for 15 reps  *goal is no misses
(155 for 8, 165 for 4, and 175 for 3. Missed the next to last rep at 175)

C. Overhead Squat, build to tough single w/ 3 sec pause in bottom

D. Front Squat, build to tough 3
(225--after everything else, I just couldn't squat anymore)

E. Front Rack Step Ups, 3 x 5/leg rest as needed

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Training Day 16

A. Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Jerk, build to tough complex in 15 min
(235--focused on bending back leg in Jerk)

B. Clean Pulls, 4 x 3 @ 100% of above, rest as needed
(Yes. Felt lighter than last time)


15 min EMOM
1- 10 Power Snatch, 75#
2- 5 Muscle Ups
3- 12 Cal Row
(Top number each time. Got tough, though. Hands hurt)

Training Day 15

12 min EMOM
1st- 1 L-sit Rope Climb
2nd- 5-8 Strict HSPU’s
(Humidity made the rope climbs tough)


3 sets
3 min Row @ 1:52-1:55/500m
2:15 min walk around
(Better--still tough last set)


4 sets
30 sec Thrusters, 45# (16,16,16,17)
30 sec rest
30 sec Bike (23,23,23,22)
30 sec rest
30 sec Burpees (12,13,13,12)
30 sec rest
30 sec Russian KB Swings, 70# (15,15,16,15)
30 sec rest

Training Day 14

A. Front Squat @ 40X1, 5 x 3, rest 2-3 min building @ 215 across, last set to max reps leaving 2 in the tank
(Got 4 on the last set)

B. Single Leg Deadlift w/ BB @ 30X1, 4 x 5/leg, rest 2 min @ 145+
(155--left side was a little painful in the last set)


BB Cycle Work
10 min EMOM
5 Power Snatch, stay light and focus on good perfect movement **95 again, focus on efficiency and getting comfortable

Rest 2-3 min

10 min EMOM
5 Power Clean to OH, stay light and focus on good perfect movement **135 - focus on efficiency and getting comfortable
(Struggled big time on 135 at the end)


Back Extensions @ 2020, 3 x 15 reps, rest as needed **light barbell on back if possible
3 sets
5 Jefferson Curls, 5-15#
45-60 sec Hollow Hold