Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Training Day 20

A1. DB Step Ups-- 5x5/leg; RAN
(50#-- tough but good)

A2. American Hip Thrust-- 5x10; RAN
(135--It doesn't feel great trying to do the American version with my back higher on the bench.)

B. Snatch Grip Push Press @ 41X3-- 4x5; Rest 90 sec
(105--this is tough.)

C. Zombie Squat @ 33X1-- 4x4; Rest 2 min
(135-- so good but tough)


Russian KB Swings (53)
Push Press (135)
(7:46--Still those push presses. Better than last time, though)

Training Day 19

A1. Single Arm DB Push Press @ 31X1-- 5x6-8/arm; Rest 30 sec
(50#--got 8 some rounds and 6 in the end)

A2. L to V Hang from Bar @ 20X0-- 5x2-3; Rest 90 sec
(Good stuff)

B1. Seated DB Arnold Press @ 20X2-- 4x8-10; Rest 30 sec
(25#--shoulders were blasted. Felt great)

B2. DB Thumbs Up Reverse Fly's-- 4x12-15; Rest 90 sec
(15#--still can't increase weight)

C. Single Arm Farmer's Carry-- 6x50'; Rest 30 sec b/w sides
(80#--felt good)

D. Weighted Crunches-- 3x30
(Was in a traditional gym, so no bands for the Pallof Press)

Training Day 18

A. Sled walk w harness-- 5x60 sec; Rest 90 sec
(3 plates--rough.)

B. Double KB Front Rack Lunge-- 5x6/leg; RAN


3 Sets
Bike 3 min
Rest 30 sec
Bike 30 sec MAX EFFORT
Rest 3 min
(Rough--humidity was through the roof)


15 min AMRAP
3 Strict MU
20 Steps OH Walking Lunges (45# bar)
50' Slow Controlled Reverse Bear Crawl
(5 rounds + 3 MU)

Training Day 17

A1. L-sit Rope Climb-- 5x1; Rest 30 sec
(Yes. Still super hard to do)

A2. Deficit HSPU @ 30X2-- 5x5; Rest 30 sec
(Still can't get more than 15's at this tempo)

A3. Snatch Grip DL @ 4111-- 5x5; Rest 2 min
(135--felt fine)

B. Suitcase DL-- 3x15; RAN
(70#. Felt fine. Actually felt it in my quads.)

C. Farmer's Carry-- 4x150'; Rest 2 min

Training Day 16

A1. Front Squat @ 44X1-- 4x3; Rest 30 sec
(165,165,185,205--felt great.)

A2. Single Arm DB Press @ 20X2-- 4x5-10; Rest 30 sec b/w arms
(40--only got 6 reps each time. Failed rep 7)

B. KB Windmill-- 3x5; RAN
(44,44,53--53 was super shaky.)


5 min @ 85%
Bike 10 Cal
10 OHS
25' HS Walk
(3+10 OHS)

Rest 2 min

5 min @ 85%
35 DU
12 DB Step Ups (25/h)
8 Ring Push Ups
(4 Rounds)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Training Day 15

A1. DB Step Ups-- 5x8/leg; RAN
(50#--getting a lot better and stronger.)

A2. American Hip Thrust-- 5x10; RAN
(95#--felt fine. Will work heavier.)

B. Snatch Grip Push Press @ 41X1-- 4x5; Rest 90 sec
(95#--super heavy. Good grief I've gotten weak overhead)

C. Zombie Squat @ 33X1-- 4x5; Rest 2 min
(115#--I'm a big fan of this movement. Felt it so much in my core, especially my lower back but in a good way. My shoulders were burning SO bad.)


Box Jumps (30" no rebound)
Push Press (135)
(8:52--super tough push presses. My shoulders were shot already, but the 135 just felt like 185. Yowsers)

Training Day 14

A1. Single Arm DB Push Press @ 31X1-- 5x6-8/arm; Rest 30 sec
(40#--super tough, but I'm working on pushing these weights. I really want this again. I want to come back stronger than ever--healthier than ever.)

A2. Dragon Flags @ 20X2-- 5x4-6; Rest 90 sec
(Yes--not bad at all)

B1. Seated DB Arnold Press @ 20X2-- 4x8-10; Rest 30 sec
(30#--again, super tough. Almost fell over more than once.)

B2. DB Thumbs Up Reverse Fly's-- 4x12-15; Rest 90 sec
(15#--these just never feel easier)

C. Band Resisted Quarter Squat Pallof Press @ 20X2-- 3x10/side; RAN
(Black band)

D. Single Arm Farmer's Carry-- 5x50'; Rest 30 sec b/w sides
(70#--getting better at staying upright.)

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Training Day 13

A. Double KB Front Rack Lunge- 5x8/leg; RAN
(44lb KB. Felt really good, but I'm super sore.)


3 Sets
Bike 3 min @ high effort
Rest 30sec
Bike 30 sec ALL OUT
Rest 3 min
(This never gets easier. It's super rough.)


15 min AMRAP
3 Strict MU
20 Steps Double KB Front Rack Lunges
50' Controlled Bear Crawl
(5+23--all MU unbroken. Took the rest super slow.)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Training Day 12

A1. L-Sit Rope Climb- 5x1; Rest 30sec
(Yes--still struggling to get those last two.)

A2. Strict HSPU @ 30X2- 5x6; Rest 30sec
(Abmat and 15lb plates--did 10lb plates on top of the 15's for set 3 and failed the last rep, so I went back down.)

A3. Snatch Grip Deadlift @ 4111- 5x5; Rest 2 min
(135--a little pain, but I think it's from squatting yesterday. Very minor pain. Pretty normal for me.)

B. Suitcase Deadlift- 4x12; RAN
(70lb--felt fine. Not much rest between)

C. Farmer's Carry- 4x100'; Rest 2 min
(70lb--can't go heavier. We don't have anything heavier.)

Monday, May 2, 2016

Training Day 11

A1. Front Squat @ 44X1-- 4x4; Rest 30sec
(135--I just couldn't breathe)

A2. Single Arm DB Press @ 20X2-- 4x8/arm; Rest 30sec b/w arms
(30lb--last few reps of every set burned pretty good)

B. KB Windmill-- 3x5/arm; RAN
(53--lots of tightness in my hips. These will definitely help in mobility again.)


5min @ 85%
Bike 10 Cals
10 WB

Rest 2 min

5min @ 85%
30 DU
16 Walking Lunges w/ 20# DB/H
(4+30 DU--could not breathe anymore)


5 sets
10-15 Hip Extensions @ 2022
40 sec Hollow Rock