A. Double KB Front Squat 5x5 @52X1; Rest 2 min
B1. Single Arm RDL 5x8-10 @30X1; Rest 30 sec
B2. KB Bench Press 5x6-8 @30X1; Rest 2 min
10 min EMOM
3 Position Snatch (high hang/mid thigh/floor)
(95#--percentage was supposed to be 115#, but I was exhausted)
Rest 3 min
10 min EMOM
Power Clean + Push Press + Push Jerk + Split Jerk
(135#--supposed to use 150-175)
I took my APFT that morning. I did 71 pushups in about 1:25 and got up because that got me 100%. 78 sit-ups in 2 minutes. 2 mile in 13:22. I ran most of it at a 12:30 pace, but my back locked up.
I figured I would let you know where these numbers are for me as well since these things overlap in my life.