3 Sets for Warmup
12 Russian KB Swings (88)
60 Second Banded Hip Flexor Stretch
3 Max Effort Front Lever Holds
20-30 Second Pseudo Planche Hold with Feet on Bench
A. Power Clean.Front Squat.Jerk- 1.1.2 tough set
(225--jumped back some on my clean and didn't drop enough on my jerk. I did get a good lunge forward with throwing my head through quickly, though.)
14 minute EMOM
1st- 5 OHS (135)
2nd- 1 Strict MU + 2 MU
(You prescribed 155 for OHS, but that absolutely was not happening today. I did one set and my arms almost fell off. My shoulders were fried from the past two days. It even affected my MU.)
Prowler Sprint with 45's On Top- 12 seconds ALL OUT; Rest 2-3 minutes
(Yep. Harder than last week.)
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