Saturday, October 4, 2014

Training Day 4

No Run

5 minutes @ high effort
10 Russian KB Swings (70)
15 Box Jumps (24)
(5+2--HSPU with 45's and an abmat. Decided I wanted to work with a small deficit today. Box jumps all rebounding.)

Rest 3 minutes

5 minutes @ high effort
10 Wallballs (20)
30 DU
(3+8--felt sluggish and wallballs were hurting my back a little.)

Rest 3 minutes

5 minutes @ high effort
10 Ring Dips
10 Deadlifts
10 No Push Up Burpees
(3+26--Ring Dips were hard. Arms were fatigued from yesterday along with HSPU and Wallballs)

Rest 3 minutes

5 minutes @ high effort
2 MU
10 Thrusters (65)
30 DU
(4+2--MU were on rings with a REALLY long chain, which means it basically took my kip out of the picture)

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