Saturday, May 31, 2014

Training Day 33

30 seconds work/ 30 seconds rest

KB Swings (53#)-- 15,15,15,15,15

Air Dyne-- 33,34,34,37,37

Burpees to 6" target-- 10,10,10,11,11

DU-- 53,51,49,50,54

Row-- 150,157,149,154,150

I didn't do the runs, because I'm going for a 3 mile run today. I have to start running a few miles at least once or twice a week to get back into it for my PT test coming up in about 3 weeks. I need to get into the extended scale on this next PT test.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Training Day 32


Air Dyne 15:00 @ 70%


3 Part Pause Snatch + Snatch Balance
(95#--started out really rough, struggling in that bottom position. Then I forced it, and it was fine)


Air Dyne 15:00 @ 70%


A. Snatch Push Press + OHS- 3.3 Tough set
(170#--I think my back was tightening up on each rep, because on every set of 3, it got harder to get below parallel. I did 170# twice and didn't get full depth on the last rep both times. However, that means I was comfortable enough to attempt 3 reps under 170# twice, which is a HUGE jump from where I was)

B1. Snatch Grip DL- 3x3 @ 50X1; Rest 1:00

B2. Powell Raise- 3x8 @ 30X1; Rest 2:00
(20#--just a request, could we do something different here or shorten reps with heavier weight? This movement is just monotonous now, but I'll keep doing it if you think this is best)

C. Clean- Build to moderate set of 3
(215#--Felt pretty good for not having really cleaned much lately. Also, 215# is only 20 less than my PR right now)

D. Back Extension- 3x10-15 @ 3011; Rest 1:00
(35#--did 10 reps every time. And it kind of hurt even without the weight)

E. Paloff Press in Lunge- 3x15/side @ 2020
(Yes--and I still don't really understand what this is doing)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Training Day 31

A1. Barbell Overhead Lunge- 5x10; Rest :20
(115 for 4 sets, then 125)

A2. Strict MU- 5x1-3; Rest 2:00

B. L-Sit Rope Climb- 7 reps; Rest as needed

C. Barbell Hip Bridge @ 20X3- 5x10; Rest as needed

6:13…..just because I wanted my name on the board

I'm really frustrated with finding more stuff wrong with my back, but on the plus side, I still get to go into the Army and continue training. That being said, don't back track any. If my back is going to hurt regardless of what I do, then just keep going through the cycles as planned. It will adjust eventually.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Training Day 30

It wasn't part of my Program, but I did "Murph" today.


Only 11:46 over my unrealistic goal ha ha. Next year. But on the plus side, my back wasn't too bad, which means I can keep training unless told otherwise.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Training Day 29

Run 800m @ 75% x 5; Rest 3:00

:30 work/ :30 rest
WallBall (15,15,15, injured)
AirDyne (31,31,31)
Bear Crawl (2 lengths of the gym)
Double Under (49,51,49)
Row (133,135,141)

Friday, May 23, 2014

Training Day 28

12:00 Air Dyne @ 70%
3 Part Pause Snatch + Snatch Balance x10; Rest :45
12:00 Air Dyne @ 70%

A. OHS- heavy single
(185--failed 205 twice)

B1. Snatch Grip DL- @ 50X1 3x3; Rest 1:00

B2. Powell Raise- @ 30X1 3x8/arm; Rest 2:00

C. 10 min EMOM- 3 Thrusters
(Attempted 165, but quit because shoulders hurt)

This was where I stopped today. I was hurting bad in my back and shoulders. First bad day I've had in a while, and it just sucked. Guess I'll just do better tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Training Day 27

Today was a great freaking day.

A. Front Squat- Build to moderate set of 3 @ 30X1

B1. Incline Bench Press- 5x3-5 @ 30X1; Rest :20
(145 for 4 rounds / 150 for last round)

B2. Russian KBS- 5x12; Rest 2:00


15 min EMOM
1 Power Snatch--start at 70% and build by 5#'s every minute
(started at 115 and built to 165, which was my PR. Missed 170 3 times)

Rest 2:00

8 min AMRAP
5 Strict PullUps
5 Strict HSPU
(5+6--then finished the last four HSPU to prove to myself I could do 30 strict HSPU in a workout)

I loved being under weight again. It was a little uncomfortable because I'm not used to the pressure of a load on my lower back anymore, but it didn't hurt at all.

Training Day 26


3 Unbroken MU
5 Ring Dips
10 Thrusters (75)
800m Run
(4:06 / 4:09)

Rest 4:00

1 Legless Rope Climb
5 Strict CTB
10 KBS (70)
Air Dyne 3:00
(4:00 / 4:10)

Rest 4:00

Row 1500m
(4:15 / 4:09)

Monday, May 19, 2014

Training Day 25

30:00 at easy pace

500m Row
Bear Crawl 50m

A. DB Russian Step Up- 3x8/leg; Rest :45 b/w legs

B. DB Reverse Lunge off 45# Plate- 5x5 @ 20X1; Rest 1:00

C1. HSPU- 5x3-4 @ 30X3; Rest :10
(25KG for 3 rounds, just abmat for 2)

C2. Strict Press- 5xMax Reps w/ 95# @ 10X1; Rest 3:00

D. Hollow Hold- 2:00 accumulated

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Training Day 24

Didn't do AM.

30 sec WallBall (all right around 15--one was 11, but that's because I hit myself with the ball)
30 sec Rest
30 sec AirDyne (all around 33--Counted every time left arm went forward)
30 sec Rest
30 sec Bear Crawl (length of gym twice every time--between 40 and 50 meters)
30 sec Rest
30 sec DU (all around 55--49 one round with a mess up)
30 sec Rest
30 sec Row (all around 140m--146 last one WHOOPS)

I felt really good about this. We've been talking about consistency a lot, and although these weren't all within 2 reps, they were all within 4 reps. And I didn't burn out at the start. I was able to maintain the pace the whole time. It did get tough the last two rounds, though. You can tell me later if I did it right.

Training Day 23

Air Dyne 10 minutes @75%
3 Part Pause Snatch @ 40% for 10 sets; Rest :45 between sets
Air Dyne 10 minutes @ 70%

A. Snatch Balance + OHS- Build to heavy single
(165--missed 175 twice)

B1. Snatch Grip Deadlift- @ 50X1 3x3; Rest 1 minute
(135--no straps)

B2. Powell Raise- @ 30X1 3x8; Rest 2 min

C. 10 min EMOM of 3 thrusters @ 70%

D. Back Extensions- @ 4022 3x10-15; Rest 2 min

E. Paloff Press in Lunge-@ 2020 3x12/side

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Training Day 22

A. Double KB Front Squat- 5 reps on the minute for 7 minutes @ 20X1 

B1. Incline Bench Press- 5x4-6 @ 30X1; Rest 20 seconds
(1 @ 145, 4 @ 140) 

B2. Russian KB Swing- 5x10 ; Rest 2 minutes


High Hang Snatch + Snatch Balance
1 rep every 45 sec- Build from 95
(worked up to 135 and hit it 3 times. Missed 1 snatch balance and 3 snatches)

Rest 2 minutes

30 STO @ 155 For Time

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Training Day 21


10 TTB
20 Box Jumps (24" step down)
800m Run

Rest 4 min

2 MU
15 Wall Balls
1000m Row

Rest 4 min

Repeat both

I still am not consistent enough on the row workouts. The runs I can keep within seconds of each other, but my row workouts aren't there. Also, my butt hurts a lot. Thanks.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Training Day 20


30 minutes @ easy pace
Row 500m
Bear Crawl 50m
(yes--didn't eat before, so it was a little rough)


A. DB Russian Step Ups- 3x10/leg; Rest 45 sec b/w legs
(35--did 24" box first round before I knew it was only supposed to be 20". Whoops)

B1. Back Rack Lunge- 5x6/leg alternating @ 20X1; Rest 1 min

B2. HSPU- 5x3-4 @ 30X3; Rest 2 min
(Abmat and Pendlay 45's for 4 rounds, then added 15's for 5th round. Every round except the last was 4 reps)

C. Dead Bugs- 3x6/side @ 1511; Rest 1 min b/w sides  *keep legs straight whole time

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Training Day 20

30 Burpees (No Jump)
Run 800m

Rest 4 min

30 KB Swings (53)
Row 1000m

Rest 4 min

Repeat Both

Both runs were 2:53. The burpees made the 4 second difference. As far as the other one, my glutes are sore, so rowing just wasn't very comfortable today.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Training Day 19

Post Competition but feeling decently good. Just have some tight muscles. My old man back did good today, though.

A. Dumbbell Russian Step Ups- 3x12/leg; Rest 45 sec b/w legs

B1. Back Rack Lunge- 5x8/leg @ 20X1; Rest 1 min

B2. HSPU- 5x3-4 @ 30X3; Rest 2 min
(Added 25kg plates for a round, then 45lb plates for a round--the rest were just abmat)

C. Dead Bugs- 3x10/side @ 1511; Rest 1 min b/w sides

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Training Day 18

A. Double KB Front Squat- 5x5 @ 52X1; Rest 2 min
(53 first two rounds, then 44)

B1. Death March- 5x20 @ 30X1; Rest 30 sec

B2. DB Bench Press- 5x4-6 @ 30X1; Rest 2 min

10 min EMOM
2 Position Snatch (high hang and mid thigh)

Rest 2 min

10 min EMOM