A. Front Squat with 2 sets of chains/side @ 11X1- Build to 3RM then -20% for 3x3
(225--185 for 3x3.)
B1. Incline Bench Press @ 33X3- 5x5-7; Rest 30 seconds
(135--didn't try heavier because my triceps were super sore today from a competition with my professor yesterday for extra credit. I got the extra credit, though.)
B2. False Grip Pullups @ 30X2- 5x4-5; Rest 30 seconds
(False grip started giving out on me. I was just tired)
C1. Dragon Flags- 4-6 reps as slow as possible; Rest 30 seconds
C2. Reverse Hyper- 5x20; Rest 30 seconds