A1. L-sit Rope Climb-- 6x1; Rest 30 seconds
(3 to 15 feet. 1 to about 12 feet. Then the last 2 were with my feet because my arms were giving out--I'm getting over injury, so while I may have been able to hang on, I'd rather not injure something else)
A2. Ring Dips @ 33X1-- 6x5; Rest 30 seconds
(Yes--no weight because it was paired with the rope climbs. Made my triceps exceedingly exhausted)
A3. Unweighted Single Leg Good Mornings-- 6x6/leg; Rest 2 min
(I'm no longer getting anything from this. I think I am ready to take this a step higher. No pain and no stretching anymore)
B. Suitcase Deadlift-- 3x10; Rest as needed
(70#--felt pretty good. Pretty easy for the most part. No pain.)
C. Farmer's Carry-- 3x150' unbroken; Rest 2 min
(70#--my grip is definitely in need of work)
Row 10 min @ Z1
(Felt great and easy)