Monday, June 2, 2014

Training Day 34

35:00 @ easy pace
Row 500m
3 TGU/arm (35#)
(7 rounds)

A. DB Russian Step Ups- 4x6/leg; Rest :45 b/w legs

B. DB Reverse Lunge off Platform @ 20X1- 5x4/leg alternating; Rest 1:00

C1. HSPU @ 30X3- 5x3-4; Rest :10
(45+35 for 2 sets of 3, 45+25 for 2 sets of 3, 45+10 for 1 set of 3+1 kipped for kicks)

C2. HS Walk- max distance in :20  x5; Rest 3:00
(yes--around 60ft every time)

D. Hollow Rock- 2:00 accumulated
(I apparently can't rock very well)

I just want to give you credit and point out that all of my HSPU were at a deficit today. Two sets were at the highest deficit I've ever done. It's almost like you know what you're talking about.

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